Saturday, December 21, 2019

On Matthew 5:43 through 5:45

Hello, all, and Merry Christmas!  Welcome back to The Moral Vision of Jesus Christ, the longest, most comprehensive, and most exhaustive gospel study that will ever be written!  If you are here for your first time, it is highly recommended that you start over from the beginning by following this link.

To my regular readers, I'd like to extend my deepest gratitude for your ongoing readership.  This project will forever count among the most important things in my life, and your support counts among the things I cherish most in this world.  Thank you so much!  I pray your holidays and the New Year find you in the best possible condition.

As per usual, we have little time to mince words.  Today, we come upon Jesus' long awaited Sixth Antithesis, as we near the end of The Gospel According to Matthew, Chapter Five.

I know that I said recently that Jesus' "Teaching About Retaliation" was the most important thing Jesus ever said.  The thing about that, though, is that Jesus' words tend to occupy a kind of quantum state, wherein many of the things he said happen to simultaneously be the most important thing he ever said.  That said, allow me to say this: we're about to read the most important thing that Jesus Christ ever said.  And that's saying a lot!  (Don't be surprised when I say this again.)

Without any ado, then, please enjoy today's study.

Matthew 5:43 through 5:45
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 
44 But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, 
45 that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust.

Boom.  There it is.  It could not be any simpler.  Jesus, here, in two sentences, lays down the highest possible law of human morality.  He says simply that, while the ancient Jewish custom was to love one's neighbor and hate one's enemy, he thought it best for his followers to love both their neighbor and their enemy.  

(I know, I know; a concept more foreign to modern "Christianity" simply could not exist.  Modern Christian culture is often predicated on hatred of one's perceived enemies, be they personal, political, or otherwise.  Modern American Christianity exists as if Jesus never said these words at all.  I know.)

Today, to increase our understanding of these transcendent verses, we're going to take our usual course: first, we'll check out some of the original ancient Greek words that constituted this writing.  Next, we'll look at the ancient context for "loving one's enemy," including both the Jewish context and the context at large.  Last, we'll consider the actual meaning of these verses, and the implications of this teaching on Christian life.  Let's get started with some fresh Greek words.

Fresh Greek Words

Today's first word of consequence is "love." We come to the word "love" by the ancient Greek "agapaó," meaning, alternatively, "to show affection to," "to be pleased with," "to be fond of," or "to take pleasure in." "Agapaó" gave rise to the term "agápē," a noun describing a universal love of all humans regardless of circumstance. Agape is one of the most important Christian ideals, and will be the subject of considerable study for us in the future. For now, just know that "agapaó" means "to love" and that "agápē" means unconditional, universal, Christian love.

The next word we'll check out is, perhaps obviously, "hate."  We come to this word through the translation of the Greek "miseó," meaning, very simply, "to hate."  "Miseó" comes from the noun "mîsos," which means "hatred," and "mîsos" has its origins in a very ancient Proto-Indo-European word meaning "to complain or be emotional about."  The spectrum of translation for "miseó" is very narrow.

We arrive at "neighbor" from the Greek "plésion," which is also narrowly translated.  The closest translations are "nearby" or "neighboring," in the most ancient Greek, and "fellow man" in later forms of Greek.  It is understood here that by "neighbor," Jesus meant "a friendly member of one's own community."

The last word to glance at today is "enemy," which we get from the ancient Greek "echthros."  "Echthros" is a Greek adjective meaning "unpleasant," "displeasing," "hated," "hostile," or, simply, "enemy."  Like the other keywords from today's reading, the possibilities of translation here fall within a small margin.  The translation we see above is very fidelitous to the original Greek.

Ancient Context, Jewish and Otherwise 

As we've already mentioned, today's verses make up the sixth of the Six Antitheses, or the six special instances in the Sermon on the Mount wherein Jesus eliminates and replaces portions of the Old Law.  It is important to note right away, however, that little evidence of a written law to specifically "hate one's enemy" in the ancient Jewish tradition actually exists.  In regard to most of the other Antitheses, it is easy to find the portion of the Old Law to which Jesus refers written in the Old Testament.  One will come up empty handed, however, when searching for Moses' specific written commandment to "hate one's enemy."

Just because there is no evidence of a "law of hatred" in the written ancient Jewish tradition is not to say, though, that there wasn't an oral tradition to "hate one's enemies."  Recall that many ancient Jews relied heavily on oral traditions to inform their understanding of their faith.  Indeed, one cannot say that the written Hebrew Bible Canon reflected the entirety of the Law.  Since we cannot know the exact nature of the oral traditions of First Century Palestinian Jews, it is difficult to say with certainty to what Jesus refers when he says "You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy."  We are not, however, splitting hairs when we note that Jesus does say "you have heard that it was said," not "you have read what is written."  A specific oral tradition of "hating one's enemies" absolutely could have existed.

Despite the lack of a specific written law to "hate one's enemy," as we've noted before, the Law of Moses did condone corporal and capital punishment in various forms.  It is not too far of a logical leap to say that laws about stoning women to death before their fathers' houses, or gouging out an opponent's eyeball, are laws that implicitly condone hatred of one's enemies.  The Law of Moses is a brutal one, and corporal and capital punishments definitely coincide better with hatred of one's enemies than with love of one's enemies.

It is also worth noting that Psalm 139 seems to imply the lawfulness of the hatred of one's enemies, although it stops short of saying that one must hate their enemies.  From Psalm 139, verses 21 and 22:
21 Do I not hate, LORD, those who hate you?
Those who rise against you, do I not loathe? 
22 With fierce hatred I hate them,
enemies I count as my own.
So what can we say for sure about the ancient Jewish context for today's verses?  Perhaps little more than this: the ancient tradition does not seem to have prohibited hatred, as Jesus does in Matt 5:44, but, rather, seems to have encouraged hatred, as evidenced by frequent prescriptions of barbaric punishments for legal transgressions and the elevation of hatred as some kind of ideal in Psalm 139.  To be sure, Jesus' idea about "loving one's enemy" would have seemed like a paradigm shift to the audience listening to his Sermon on the Mount.

In a broader ancient context, Jesus' "love of enemies" concept may be less innovative.  For instance, Bible scholar John Nolland notes that the ancient Babylonian text known as the "Counsels of Wisdom" contains a similar teaching.  The text in question reads as follows:
Do not exchange hostilities with your opponent;
repay your evil-doer with goodness.
Grant justice to your enemy;
show a cheerful heart to your foe.
Guide […] even the one who gloats over you.
Do not let him set your mind on evil.
Scholars debate the age of this writing, with some placing its authorship almost two millennia before the birth of Christ.  Ancient, indeed.  Mr. Nolland also notes, along the same vein, the ancient Egyptian text known as the "Instruction of Amenemope," which contains the following words:
Row that we may ferry the evil man away,
For we will not act according to his evil nature;
Lift him up, give him your hand,
And leave him [in] the hands of god;
Fill his gut with your own food
That he may be sated and ashamed.
The "Instruction of Amenemope" predates Jesus' teaching to love one's enemy by at least one thousand years.  Knowing this, we cannot say that this teaching in Matthew chapter 5 was exactly unique to Jesus, even at the time it was spoken.  It is arguable, though, that neither Jesus nor his followers would have had even a peripheral awareness of these more ancient teachings at the time of his Galilean Ministry.


What Does This Teaching Mean?

As with the other Antitheses, it is difficult to escape Christ's meaning today.  He says what he says without ambiguity, and offers no exception to this rule here nor elsewhere in the gospels.  In fact, today's teaching is multiply attested; we will see Jesus repeat the exact phrase "love your enemies" twice more by the time this study is complete.  I will reiterate: this teaching is completely devoid of ambiguity.

The earliest Christians took this teaching to heart.  The New Testament is full of instances of affirmation of this rule.  Consider the Book of Acts, 7:58-60, in which the first Christian martyr, Stephen, is being stoned to death by enemies of the early Christ Movement.
58 They threw him out of the city, and began to stone him. The witnesses laid down their cloaks at the feet of a young man named Saul. 
59 As they were stoning Stephen, he called out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 
60 Then he fell to his knees and cried out in a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them”; and when he said this, he fell asleep.
Like Jesus, who called out for the forgiveness of his executioners, Stephen shows the ultimate love of an enemy by calling out to God for the forgiveness of those who are actively killing him - an absolutely amazing act.

Consider also the words of Hegesippus, one of the earliest chroniclers of Christian history, as he describes the execution of James, the brother of Jesus, which occurred in Jerusalem in the 60's AD:
So they went up and threw down the just man, and said to one another: "Let us stone James the Just." And they began to stone him: for he was not killed by the fall; but he turned, and kneeled down, and said: "I beseech Thee, Lord God our Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."
Again, we see one of the earliest Christians begging God to forgive those who are actively executing him.  A more perfect rendition of "love of one's enemy" cannot be imagined.  Early Christian history abounds with such stories.

While the first Christians understood Jesus well, we all know that history is chock full of examples of so-called "Christians" engaging in an endless slew of violence, malice, and hatred toward any manner of perceived "enemy," even down to modern times.  How, then, did we get from the unambiguous teaching of Christ to love one's enemy, which was obviously well understood by his earliest ancient followers, to the modern situation where "Christians" are known for their bigotry, bitter judgmentalness, and historical violence?  This is the big question.  There is no easy answer, but a good case can be made that the roots of Christian violence grow directly out of the year 312 AD, when the Emperor Constantine began to transform Christianity from a niche faith of pacifists that pledged allegiance to no State into a Roman State-Instituted religion of violent empire.

The question at hand is far too big to unpack completely, let alone answer, here.  In the future, we will spend thousands of words learning about Constantine, the first "Christian" Emperor.  We will spend countless hours studying the corrosive influence of Statism on the nature of historic Christianity.  Eventually, we will come to a common understanding of how we got from Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount to the bigotry and hatred of the Westboro Baptist Church and any number of prominent American "Christians" today.

The historical course Christianity has taken, unfortunately, has been an ugly and patently anti-Christian one.  The only way to begin to restore Christianity to its original form now is to look candidly at just how perverted and crooked that historical course has been.  I pray that our study together will be the beginning of just such a Great Restoration.

Let's learn to love our enemies, today, and begin to restore the long missing true Christ to the world.

Merry Christmas again.  Thank you for spending the year with me.  There are many more to come.  Happy New Year.

To read what came prior to this, click here.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

On Matthew 5:40 through 5:42

Hi, everybody.  Welcome back to The Moral Vision of Jesus Christ, the most exhaustive Gospel study you will ever read.  If you would like to start over from the beginning, you can do that by clicking here.  Reading this from the beginning is advisable.

Last week was a big gigantic important week for us here, as we began to study Jesus' "Teaching About Retaliation," perhaps the most important teaching that Jesus Christ ever offered.  You won't hear many American Christians these days talking about Jesus' "Teaching About Retaliation."  That's because they don't follow it, nor do they intend to follow it.  Modern American Christians think that Jesus was talking out the side of his neck on this teaching, and that he isn't to be completely trusted.  Instead, their true faith is in the police state, the military industrial complex, and their AR-15 assault rifles.  "Jesus must have had a momentary attack of bein' an idiot during that Sermon on the Mount," modern American Christians think.

Jesus wasn't an idiot, though.  Jesus was an enlightened teacher who offered a precise and narrow moral code to his followers - a moral code that can be sussed out only by studying and comparing his words as they are quoted in the Gospels and studying the writings and actions of his very earliest followers.  I believe that said moral code is, and will always be, the perfect salve to heal the social ills of mankind.  I also believe that modern American Christians have Jesus exactly wrong.*

Jesus, contrary to popular belief, is not on the side of an America that spends more resources than any other nation anywhere in history on mechanisms of war and death. 

Jesus, contrary to popular belief, is not on the side of an America that has developed the world's greatest capacity to wage species-ending nuclear war. 

Jesus, contrary to popular American belief, did mean what he said in his "Teaching About Retaliation." That is, "turn the other cheek."

Last week's writing was a joyous exercise, for us.  Let us remain joyous today, then, as we finish up our present study of Jesus' "Teaching About Retaliation," one of the most important sets of sentences ever uttered by any human ever.

Cheers, and Merry Christmas.

Matthew 5:40 through 5:42
40 If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well. 
41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles. 
42 Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow.

Last we met, Jesus told his followers that they were not to continue on with the ancient Jewish and Mesopotamian tradition of stabbing one another in the eye with sticks as retribution for eye injuries and knocking out one another's teeth with rocks as retribution for tooth injuries.  He instructed his followers instead to "offer no resistance to one who is evil."  Obviously inherent in this moral tenet is the subjugation of one's person to the rest of humanity.  That is to say that Jesus, in Matt 5:38-39, asked his followers to stop thinking of themselves as being innately more important than every other human on earth.  This moral tenet is rare, if not totally unique, and is the keystone to true Christian morality.

Today, Jesus expands on what he was saying in Matt 5:38-39.  He tells his followers that if someone wants to sue them for their tunic, that the follower ought to give up the tunic and their cloak as well.  He says that if someone tries to lever some work out of his followers, that the follower should not only do the work, but do twice the work that was initially expected.  He says that if someone asks for anything, his followers ought to give it, and if someone wants to borrow something, his followers ought to lend it, as a matter of morality.  These tenets, like those previous, are also rare, if not totally unique.  It goes without saying that today's verses go hand-in-hand with Matt 5:38-39.

Today, rather than our usual routine, I'm just going to riff a little on these teachings, and what they have come to mean to me.  This is not exactly "off the cuff," as I've been studying the Gospel for years, but it will be closer to "off the cuff" than normal.  I won't be quoting Josephus or Ovid, and the Greek lesson has been cancelled, just for today.

Some Riffing

So, what can we say that it means for a person to take "an eye for an eye?"  It means, simply, that a person values their own eyeball as equal to, or perhaps more important than, the eyeball of their fellow human.  Every individual who subscribes to "eye for an eye" morality values their physical body at least as much as the body of their fellow man, and probably more so.  Valuing one's body more than another's probably doesn't sound crazy to anyone reading this.  "If I don't value my body, who else will?" one might ask.  The value of the body is taken for granted in an "eye for an eye" society.  The value of one's physical life is taken for granted.  

What does it mean, then, for Jesus to say that taking an "eye for an eye" is wrong?  If we boil it down a little, it would seem that he is asking his followers to fundamentally devalue their eyeballs.  He is telling his followers "your eyeball is not worth the eyeball of your attacker."  By telling his followers that they may not participate in "eye for an eye" retaliation, he is telling them that their flesh is not as valuable as they had previously been taught - that their bodies are worth relatively less when compared to those of other humans.  In this way, as I said above, he is asking his followers to subjugate themselves to the rest of humanity.  If one's body is not valuable enough to warrant kind-for-kind retribution against any given assailant, than it follows logically that any given assailant's body is actually more important than one's own.

This idea is quite radical.  Everything that the senses tell us points to the paramount importance of our own body.  We feel pain so that we know when to protect our body from injury.  We feel hunger so that we know when to feed our flesh.  We experience libido so that we will extend that flesh into the future by generations, and we have every hard-wired instinct to defend ourselves and retaliate against an attacker.  Jesus, in telling his followers to "turn the other cheek," is asking them to subdue their most primal senses.  He is asking his followers to drastically devalue their human bodies relative to the value of all other human bodies, against every instinct that a body has.

Quite radical, indeed.

In today's verses, Jesus takes this one step further by asking his followers to reconsider the value of more than just their bodies.  He teaches that the needs or desires of other humans for physical objects should be valued more highly than the needs or desires of his followers.  He teaches that the needs and desires of other humans for labor or time should be valued more highly than the needs or desires of his followers.  If Jesus devalues the Christian's body relative to that of their fellow humans in Matt 5:38-39, in 5:40-42 he devalues the Christian's need for material possessions, labor, and even time, relative to that of their fellow humans.

It is worth noting here that today's verses are multiply attested.  We have Jesus offering almost the exact same teaching in The Gospel According to Luke, Chapter 6, as follows:
29 To the person who strikes you on one cheek, offer the other one as well, and from the person who takes your cloak, do not withhold even your tunic. 
30 Give to everyone who asks of you, and from the one who takes what is yours do not demand it back. 
Like much of the Sermon on the Mount, the multiple attestation of these verses in other Gospels makes it far more likely that the historical Jesus actually said them.  It is ours to consider, then, what Jesus meant when he actually spoke these words, deliberately and dramatically devaluing one's body, one's possessions, one's labor, and one's time relative to the body, possessions, labor, and time of one's fellow human.

In the course of that consideration, and as we move forward through the Gospels, you will notice that Jesus never asks his followers to devalue their mind or their soul relative to those of other humans.  He never asks his followers to make compromises for those things that impinge upon their morality the way he asks his followers to make compromises for those things that impinge upon their physical well being.  Knowing this, we can say resolutely that Jesus valued the mind/spirit more than he valued anything in the physical realm, and wanted his followers to adopt the same conception of existence.**  This is borne out by the story of Jesus' Passion, wherein he deliberately performs actions in Jerusalem that he knows will cause the authorities to seek his capital punishment, and then submits passively to said punishment.  What Jesus believed in his mind/spirit were obviously way way more important to him than was his flesh.

As is made clear by the sayings at hand, Jesus believed that there was more to existence than just the physical aspect, and that the non-physical aspect of existence trumped the physical in overall importance.  This would have put his philosophy automatically at odds with the philosophies of many of the Jews of his time, including all of those belonging to the aristocratic priestly class, who didn't believe in anything but the physical existence. 

The Greeks and Egyptians, among other ancient cultures, had long believed in a portion of the self that existed outside of the physical plane, but those ancient cultures, by and large, maintained a balance of importance between the physical and the spiritual.  Jesus' conception of the human experience is unique in its time and place for placing all of life's value in the intellectual/spiritual plane.

"Abandon your flesh, abandon your worldly comforts, and follow me to higher ground," Jesus says in his "Teaching About Retaliation."

On the surface, these five verses are about how Christ's followers ought to interact with their fellow human.  The subtext of these verses, however, is much more voluminous, and speaks to fundamental aspects of life and existence on earth.

The counterintuitive part to all of this, I believe, is that Jesus does not anticipate that his followers will find themselves suffering by following these tenets.  This is not a flagellant's morality, nor necessarily even an ascetic's.  Jesus doesn't ask his followers to embrace misery as an ideal, here.  The secret trick of these moral tenets, which Jesus understands full well, is that the mental subjugation of the self to the rest of humanity is actually the key to true happiness in this waking life.  

Later in Luke 17, Jesus will tell his followers that the Kingdom of God is within them.  What he guides his followers toward here in Matt 5, and what he means there in Luke 17, is that God is literally something that can be experienced here and now.  I've come to understand that an ecstatic connection with the Infinite, albeit Yet Unknown, will be afforded anyone who properly values themselves in relation to the rest of humanity per Jesus' prescription as it is revealed by the historical texts.  If we get our petty physical needs and desires out of the way, and retrain our focus onto the needs of others, we will be freed from the spiritual torture device known as ego, and we will experience the Almighty such that we will often spontaneously weep from overwhelming happiness.  

I understand this teaching thus because I experienced it thus for a period of months, around the first time I read the Gospel, many years ago.  I mean to tell you, truly, that I spontaneously wept like a widow frequently in those months (less the anguish.)  I wept out of the deepest and fullest well of happiness and joy I could have ever imagined.  Jesus' philosophy and morality are what brought me to that state.  That state was the closest thing to real magic that I've ever experienced.  I felt like I touched the Kingdom.

The Kingdom of God is within us, but it is also ours to reach for.  And so I pray for better reach.

I suppose that this will suffice for today.  Thank you for reading.  Please share this writing.

* To be sure, there are groups of Christians and individual Christians living in America who have rejected the American system of ideals and thus do not necessarily have Jesus "exactly wrong."  Those groups and individuals just happen to be very few and far between in the grand scheme of things.  With this caveat, you'll forgive my hyperbole.

** I say mind/spirit because, in the ancient world, mind and spirit were not generally divided from one another.  In fact, in many ancient languages, the same word is used to denote either "mind" or "spirit."
To read what came prior to this, click here.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

On Matthew 5:38 through 5:39

Hello, all. Sorry I haven't been writing often. It pains me to not be writing, and every moment I'm not writing feels stolen and sinful to me. If you're new here, please check this study out from the beginning by clicking here.

To remind everyone, this is a never-for-profit venture. It will be the most exhaustive and detailed Gospel study ever by the time it is complete. I am writing this because I believe that a shroud has been pulled down over the visage of Jesus Christ by history - a shroud which has obscured his true nature and his true message from almost everyone who claims to follow him. I believe that this obscurity has prevented humanity from receiving the infinite potential benefit of the doctrine of Jesus Christ. I believe that humanity, standing now as it does on the brink of its own self destruction, is in desperate need of said infinite benefit. 

Believe me when I say that I believe that the doctrine of Jesus Christ is the only thing that will save humanity now from its own deadly machinations.

Last we met, we finished up our study of Jesus' "Teaching About Oaths." We now approach the end of Chapter Five of the Gospel According to Matthew. I confess that the verses we have immediately before us are some of my favorite verses out of the entire Gospel. I agree with my spiritual mentor, Leo Tolstoy, in that I think the next few verses are probably the most important verses ascribed to Jesus Christ in the entirety of the Gospel. I agree with his assessment that, in addition to these verses being the most important, they are also the least observed of the words of Christ.

There exists a sad contradiction, which Tolstoy has pointed out to us in his late works: the most important and most revelatory words of Jesus are also those that are most often ignored, mitigated, or rationalized against by his own "followers."

The study of the verses we have immediately before us will, in the long run, prove to be the most important study we ever do here at The Moral Vision. Our study of today's verses begins here, but will not end for many years. Today is huge for us. Let's see, then, what we can say about Matthew 5:38-39. We'll start with the reading itself.

Matthew 5:38 through 5:39 
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’  
39 But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on [your] right cheek, turn the other one to him as well.

Just read that a couple of times, if you would. No more humble law has ever been written, I assure you.

These beautiful verses constitute the fifth of the "Six Antitheses." I know that I'm embracing my inner-broken-record when I explain that the Antitheses are six highly structured sayings of Jesus that do away with specific parts of the old Law of Moses and replace them with augmented, stricter versions of the law.

Today, we're going to try to follow our basic pattern: we'll look at some Greek vocabulary, we'll learn a little about the ancient context for these verses, and we'll try to divine the actual meaning of Christ from the words themselves. There is a tremendous amount to be said about these two verses, and we will not have the opportunity to fully express it all today. As I said, you may rest assured that we will be talking about these verses over and over again over the coming years.

Without further ado, here's some Greek.

Some Koine Greek

Let's start with the human anatomy we see represented in these two verses. The first body part we have mention of is the "eye." We arrive at the English "eye" from the Greek "ophthalmos," which can mean, in addition to "eye," "sight," "understanding," "that which is best," or "the bud of a plant." As in most cases, this translation is unambiguous.

The second body-part we'll learn the Greek name of is "tooth." This translation is coming from the Greek "odous," which can alternatively be translated as "tusk." It can also refer to anything pointed, like a "spike" or a "prong." Interestingly, to me at least, odous also denoted the second human vertebra, because that particular vertebra looks a lot like a big tooth.

The third body-part vocabulary here is "cheek." We come to the word "cheek" via the Koine Greek "siagón" which actually translates more closely as "jaw," "jawbone," or "maxilla," "maxilla" being the Latin and modern medical term for "jawbone." The word "siagón" implied the side of the face to ancient Greek speakers, so "cheek," while somewhat imprecise, is not necessarily inaccurate. The difference between being struck on the cheek or on the jaw seems, to me at least, to be very little.

The next word of importance here is "resistance." We come to "resistance" by the Greek word "anthistémi." "Ant," in the ancient Greek, meant "against," "anti," or "opposite." "Histémi" meant "to make a stand," "to stand," "to set," or "to stand still." Thus "anthistémi" meant "to stand against" or "to oppose."

The next word of interest here is one we've already recently discussed. We arrive at "one who is evil" here from the Greek "ponéros" which means "evil" or "wicked." From what I can ascertain, "evil" might, alone, be as accurate a translation as is "one who is evil." It seems there is some ambiguity as to whether or not this phrasing initially meant "evil" or "an evil person," but the words that follow seem to clear the ambiguity right up, so there is not much to be gained by trying to parse it out here.

The last word we'll learn about here is the one from which we have arrived at "strikes." The word is "rhapizó." This is another straightforward one. Alternative translations include "to strike with a stick," "to slap," "to cudgel," or "to thrash."

As usual, I feel that understanding the Greek phrasing offers a higher dimension of comprehension. Learning some of the ancient language really seems to ground the study. 

Now, let's look at context.

"Eye for an Eye" in the Ancient World

In 1901 AD, in a place called Susa, Iran, an archaeologist named Gustave Jéquier, working for the Jacques de Morgan expedition, discovered something amazing. His discovery has fascinated historians for over a century now, and has informed the study of ancient human history, government, law, and philosophy in ways few other single artifact discoveries ever have. Jéquier, in the sand and dirt of Susa, discovered a stele* of relatively enormous proportions. This stele was carved out of black diorite - a kind of granite - and stood stunningly at over seven feet tall. To the joy of the archaeologists on the project, small cuneiform** writing appeared all over the stele. The language, they recognized, was Akkadian.***  Akkadian had been deciphered by scholars during the 19th century, so translation of the stele discovered at Susa was able to begin immediately. The product of that translation would prove to be Earth-shaking for historians around the world.

The product of the translation is, as some of you may have guessed, what we call today The Law Code of Hammurabi, perhaps the best known extant ancient human law-code. The Law Code of Hammurabi, written by a Babylonian king living in the 18th Century BC, claims to be a divinely inspired document meant to "bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm the weak," to "enlighten the land," and "to further the well-being of mankind." It is significant in many ways to many fields of study. For our purposes, it is significant because it serves as part of the ancient context for Jesus' words in Matt 5:38.

The Law Code of Hammurabi, you see, was based in large part on the principle that Jesus referenced in Matthew 5:38: "an eye for an eye." "An eye for an eye," generally speaking, means that if a person harms another person, then the harmed party has the right to inflict a similar harm back upon the first person. "An eye for an eye" is also known as "The Law of Retaliation." The Code of Hammurabi consists of 282 laws, the vast majority of which prescribe some kind of retaliatory punishment for wrongdoing. The most pertinent of those laws for our study is law #196, which reads roughly as follows:
"If a man destroy the eye of another man, they shall destroy his eye. If one break a man's bone, they shall break his bone. If one destroy the eye of a freeman or break the bone of a freeman he shall pay one gold mina. If one destroy the eye of a man's slave or break a bone of a man's slave he shall pay one-half his price."
This is the kind of law Jesus is referring to when he says "You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’" This kind of law was common in the ancient world over a thousand years before Christ's Galilean Ministry. The Law Code of Hammurabi is only the best known example of myriad ancient law codes that centered around The Law of Retaliation.

Now that we understand what is meant by the ancients when they say "an eye for an eye," let's look at the specific context of Jewish Law to see what exactly Jesus was referring to when he referenced this law.

"An eye for an eye" appears in the Old Testament on three occasions, and was definitely part of the Law of Moses. All three mentions of this retaliative code appear in the Pentateuch. Let's take a look at each instance.

The first occurs in Exodus 21:24. Exodus 21:12-32 are subtitled "Personal Injury," and they list Moses' laws about personal injury. These laws describe what to do with a kidnapper, (put him to death,) what to do with someone who curses their father or mother, (put him to death,) what to do with someone who strikes his slave with a rod, (nothing if the slave doesn't die from the blow,) and what to do with an ox who gores a man or a woman to death, (put the ox to death.) The portion wherein "eye for an eye" is mentioned reads as follows:
22 When men have a fight and hurt a pregnant woman, so that she suffers a miscarriage, but no further injury, the guilty one shall be fined as much as the woman’s husband demands of him, and he shall pay in the presence of the judges.

23 But if injury ensues, you shall give life for life,

24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,

25 burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
This paragraph is very specific. How often is a pregnant woman harmed because two fighting men accidentally hurt her? This would seem like a rare occurrence. Is the pregnant lady drinking in the rowdiest bar in town? I jest, of course, but I have always gotten a little bit of a chuckle from these verses. It really just seems like it wouldn't happen often...

The second mention of "an eye for an eye" occurs in Leviticus, Chapter 24. This instance occurs in a section subtitled "Punishment of Blasphemy." The first part of this section describes a man who, in an argument, uttered the Lord's name in a curse. The people who heard this were shocked, and took the man to Moses. Old-Testament-God tells Moses, roughly, "you need to take that boy out to the edge of town and whip stones at him until he is good and dead," which they did. Old-Testament-God then continues on offering laws that don't seem exactly relevant to the situation at hand. He tells Moses the following:
17 Whoever takes the life of any human being shall be put to death;

18 whoever takes the life of an animal shall make restitution of another animal, life for a life.

19 Anyone who inflicts a permanent injury on his or her neighbor shall receive the same in return:

20 fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. The same injury that one gives another shall be inflicted in return.

21 Whoever takes the life of an animal shall make restitution, but whoever takes a human life shall be put to death.
This law, as laid out by Old-Testament-God, is very much like parts of Hammurabi's Law Code. The Israelites certainly would have been familiar with Babylonian Law when they were putting the Book of Leviticus to paper for the first time, so it is safe to say that they adopted some of their law system from the Babylonians, and perhaps from the Hammurabi Law Code itself.

The third mention of "eye for an eye" law in the Old Testament occurs in Deuteronomy, Chapter 19. In Deuteronomy 19, Moses is relaying more of Old-Testament-God's law to the Israelites. He offers a law regarding people who lie in court:
16 If a hostile witness rises against someone to accuse that person of wrongdoing,

17 the two parties in the dispute shall appear in the presence of the LORD, in the presence of the priests and judges in office at that time,

18 and the judges must investigate it thoroughly. If the witness is a false witness and has falsely accused the other,

19 you shall do to the false witness just as that false witness planned to do to the other. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst.

20 The rest shall hear and be afraid, and never again do such an evil thing as this in your midst.

21 Do not show pity. Life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, and foot for foot!
Like our first instance, this instance is quite specific, but still speaks to the retaliatory nature of the Law of Moses. Suffice it to say, then, that the law Jesus grew up learning about had much in common with the Law Code of Hammurabi. The Law of Moses, as far as it deals with humans who wrong other humans, is The Law of Retaliation. It wouldn't be hard to believe that Jesus grew up witnessing public executions that occurred based on the ancient law of his people. If he did witness such a thing, it wouldn't be hard to believe that he found it absolutely repugnant. 

But you heard Old-Testament-God: "whip stones at that dude until he is good and dead!"

What Did Jesus Mean in Matthew 5:38-39?

I've spoken to countless modern "Christians" about today's verses. I've asked countless modern "Christians" how war or violence of any kind is justifiable in light of Jesus' teaching to "resist not evil." Almost every "Christian" I've engaged on this issue has responded stutteringly that Jesus simply didn't mean what he said. Some search their minds for Bible verses that might contradict Jesus' doctrine. Some mention that Old-Testament-God says "an eye for an eye" and "whip stones at him until he's dead." Almost invariably, though, the response of the modern "Christian," when confronted with the words from Matthew 5:39, is that Jesus didn't mean exactly what he said. This seems preposterous to me, especially when the doctrine of the modern "Christian" says that Jesus is God incarnate. Why would God come down and offer moral prescriptions that he didn't believe in or actually want followed!?

I'm afraid that so-called Christians have held this perverted view of the words of their savior for a long, long time. The idea that Jesus didn't mean what he is recorded to have said in the most significant moral teaching of his Galilean Ministry has been pervasive through Christianity for centuries, and has followed Christianity wherever it went. We can know this by listing the number of battles and wars and corporal punishments that have been perpetrated by "Christian" nations since the 4th Century AD. That list is nearly endless.

Jesus' meaning in the Sermon on the Mount is, in fact, inescapable. His teaching to "resist not evil" does not appear as anomalous within the context of the Sermon. Rather, it fits perfectly among the other teachings of the Sermon. Jesus is asking his follows to forget the old Law of Moses, and replace it with a new law of meekness, peace, forgiveness, honesty and simplicity. What does Jesus mean when he speaks in the Gospel According to Matthew, Chapter Five, Verses Thirty-Eight and Thirty-Nine? He means "the people who have come before us have lived by the Law of Retaliation. I am replacing that law with a new and superior law: the Law of Peace. I tell you now: resist not evil. If you are attacked, invite further attack and do not defend yourself." He doesn't immediately give a list of exceptions to this rule, the way modern "Christians" will. In fact, he doesn't ever give any exception to this rule. He literally wants his followers to adopt complete and total pacifism. It is inescapable, and it happens to be perhaps the most powerful thing he ever taught his followers.

This teaching is what I would call the crux.

Let's let Tolstoy get a piece of this, with these words from the introduction to his book "The Kingdom of God is Within You:"
"In the year 1884 I wrote a book under the title "What I believe," in which I did in fact make a sincere statement of my beliefs.

In affirming my belief in Christ's teaching, I could not help explaining why I do not believe, and consider as mistaken, the Church's doctrine, which is usually called Christianity.

Among the many points in which this doctrine falls short of the doctrine of Christ I pointed out as the principal one the absence of any commandment of nonresistance to evil by force. The perversion of Christ's teaching by the teaching of the Church is more clearly apparent in this than in any other point of difference."
Beautiful. "The perversion of Christ's teaching by the teaching of the Church is more clearly apparent in this than in any other point of difference." Honestly, when I first read these words many years ago, I felt like I'd just met the only person who understood the world.

I could repeat myself all day, saying over and over again that Jesus literally meant for his followers to "resist not evil," and that this teaching is the most critical of any of Jesus' teachings, but you don't have to take it from me. Instead, let me quote just a few more ancient texts to help drive the point home. You see, it wasn't immediately that the followers of Christ threw out the teaching of Christ. We can know this by, for instance, reading the following from Paul's Letter to the Romans, Chapter 12:
19 Beloved, do not look for revenge but leave room for the wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

20 Rather, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals upon his head.”

21 Do not be conquered by evil but conquer evil with good.
See? Paul gets it. Evil is conquered by good. Evil is conquered by turning the other cheek to it. Evil, when resisted by evil acts, is only evil doubled.

Then we have the following, from the very beginning of the "Didache," a first century Christian document considered by many scholars to be the very first example of "Church orders:"****
There are two ways, one of life and one of death, and there is a great difference between the two ways.

The way of life is this. First of all, you shall love the God who made you. Second, love your neighbor as yourself. And all things you would not want done to you, do not do to another person.

Now the teaching of these words is this. Bless those who curse you, and pray for your enemies, and fast for those who persecute you. For what credit is it to you, if you love those who love you? Do the people of the nations not do the same? But you should love those who hate you, and you will not have an enemy.

Abstain from the desires of the flesh and of the body.

If anyone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other cheek to him also, and you will be perfect.

If anyone compels you to go one mile, go with him for two miles.
If anyone takes away your coat, give him your shirt also. 
If anyone takes away what is yours, do not demand its return, for you cannot.

To anyone who asks something of you, give it to him, and do not ask for it back, for the Father desires that gifts be given to all from His own riches.
As we can see here, the anonymous authors of the Didache, one of the earliest foundational church documents, understood Christ's commandment well. They didn't believe, as modern "Christians" believe, that Jesus said a bunch of things that he had never meant.

Finally, we'll come to a close on a bit of text from a very ancient diary known as the "Passion of Saint Perpetua, Saint Felicitas, and their Companions." The Passion is a diary written by a Christian girl named Perpetua living in Carthage in the late 2nd Century AD. The Passion is a prison diary, and was written while Perpetua was imprisoned by the local Roman authorities for her professed Christianity. The bulk of the text is believed to have actually been written by Perpetua, while the ending is believed to have been written by a witness to the events described. 

After a period of imprisonment, Perpetua and a handful of her Christian friends were brought from the prison into a public amphitheater for execution. Before a crowd, wild animals were set upon Perpetua and her friends. Having sustained massive injuries by the animals, the victims were herded back to a central area of the amphitheater so that everyone in the crowd could see their final execution.

Here. Read for yourself.
But the crowd demanded that they be brought back to the middle of the arena, so that as the sword penetrated the bodies of the martyrs their eyes might be accomplices to the murder. The martyrs got up unaided and moved to where the crowd wished them to be. First they kissed each other so that the ritual of peace would seal their martyrdom. The others, in silence and without moving, received the sword’s thrust, and particularly Saturus, who had first climbed up the ladder, was the first to give up his spirit. For once again he was waiting for Perpetua. Perpetua, however—so that she might taste something of the pain—screamed out in agony as she was pierced between the bones. And when the right hand of the novice gladiator wavered, she herself guided it to her throat. Perhaps such a woman, feared as she was by the unclean spirit, could not have been killed unless she herself had willed it.
Wow. Talk about non-resistance to evil. I've played this scene over and over in my mind. Perpetua stands there looking at the gladiator who is to strike her down. He swings his sword back and chops down at her neck, but, due to weakness, hesitation, or bad aim, his sword glances off of her collar-bone, tearing her flesh open painfully, exposing bone and sending blood spraying. She screams out in agony, and the gladiator stands looking at her in shock, perhaps uncertain how to remedy the situation. Perpetua takes a step towards him, composing herself, and grabs ahold of his sword with her bare hands. She raises the tip of the sword up to her own throat and reaches out to grasp the gladiator's wrist, where he still holds onto the sword.

"No, no. Like this," she tells him, as she pulls his wrist toward her, plunging the sword definitively into her neck, ending her life.


It was stories like these of non-resistant martyrs - true followers of Christ - that caused Christianity to explode in popularity and size in the first few centuries of its existence. The early church martyrs abandoned the Law of Retaliation. They left "an eye for an eye" with their ancestors. They embraced Jesus' doctrine whole-heartedly, and, in doing so, were responsible for perhaps the most profound shift in religious and philosophical thought that this world has ever seen. It was because of the martyrdom of the early Christian pacifists that Greco-Roman paganism was eventually lost to the dust-bin of history.

Ask a modern "Christian," though, and they'll tell you that Perpetua was crazy. Ask an American "Christian" and they'll tell you: "Jesus didn't mean what he said. Perpetua should have grabbed that sword and cut the gladiator down."

We'll see you next time. Please share this writing.

* A "stele" is an upright standing commemorative stone slab that frequently has inscriptions on it. Since they frequently contain written language informing us about ancient peoples, steles are the things archaeologists dream about discovering.

** Cuneiform was an ancient form of writing named after the wedge shape markings that formed its letters.

*** Akkadian is a dead Semitic language from Mesopotamia that was used by Babylonians, Assyrians, Akkadians, and others.

**** "Church Orders" refers to ancient texts that clarified Christian morality, explained apostolic prescriptions, offered standardized liturgies of worship, and layed out ancient Church organizational structures.
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Friday, November 15, 2019

On Matthew 5:36 through 5:37

Howdy, y'all.  Welcome back to The Moral Vision of Jesus Christ, the most exhaustive gospel study you will ever read.  If you're new, check this out from the beginning by clicking here.

Before we get going today, I'd like to admit that I have not been very good, to this time, with the housekeeping portion of this writing.  For the longest time, I neglected to put a "what comes next" button on the bottom of each section of writing, such that it might have been difficult for someone to navigate all the way through the body of work from the beginning.  I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.  I've just spent an uncomfortable hour remedying that error, and I promise to stay up-to-date with that moving forward.

I appreciate your patience.

Today, we finish up Jesus' "Teaching About Oaths" with a couple of verses that look fairly straightforward at the outset, but are relatively tricky to access in full.  We are in the middle of Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount," a lengthy discourse that spells out, better than any other section of text in the gospel, Jesus' expectations for his followers and his understanding of human morality.  Every word here is worth looking at with a magnifying glass.

Let's get started.
Matthew 5:36 through 5:37
36 Do not swear by your head, for you cannot make a single hair white or black.  
37 Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’ Anything more is from the evil one.

Today, we'll begin by interpreting the two verses at hand broadly.  Next, we'll take a look at the Koine Greek that constitutes the phrase "from the evil one," and try to interpret those words in the context of ancient Judaism.  Finally, we'll look at the ancient practice of hair-dying as context for our reading, asking ourselves "was it really not possible to change one's hair color in Jesus' time?"

Broad Interpretation

Recall that, last we met, Jesus told his followers that it was not okay to take oaths, even though the Law of Moses sanctioned oath taking and even though the Old Testament is full of all kinds of ancient Jews (and even God himself) taking all kinds of oaths.  Jesus' words, again, appeared in the "you have heard it said... but I say..." format, which we have seen a lot of lately.  Recall that the "you have heard it said... but I say..." format constitutes what we call the "Antitheses."  The Six Antitheses are a highly structured set of verses that show Jesus negating the Law of Moses and augmenting it with his own view of morality.  The Antitheses are some of the most profound teachings that Jesus will offer during his Galilean Ministry in any of the gospels.

In today's verses, Jesus elaborates on his prohibition on oath-taking by telling his followers that they should not swear an oath even by their own head, because one cannot change the color of one's hair.  Jesus, in Matthew 5:35, was just saying not to swear "by the Earth" or "by Jerusalem" because these things were God's, not humanity's. This train of thought continues into Matt 5:36, which clearly indicates that Jesus thinks of a person's head as being in the domain of God, and not of the person.  

That said, we can summarize Matthew 5:34 through 5:36 thus: "all things in creation are God's, and to swear by something that is God's is a blasphemy, so you are not permitted to swear at all."

In Matthew 5:37, Jesus offers his positive prescription of behavior in regard to oaths.  He says that one shouldn't swear oaths or make promises, but rather that they should simply affirm or deny whatever they wish to affirm or deny.  He says that anything more than a simple "yes" or "no" is "from the evil one."  Simplicity and honesty are the order of the day from Jesus, and they remained the order for early Christians.

Some Koine Words

Now, for a moment, we're going to focus on the Greek phrasing "ek tou ponērou," which we have translated here as "from the evil one."  To dissect this rapidly, "ek" is simply the ancient Greek word for "from."  "Tou," unsurprisingly, is the article "the," and "ponērou" is the word from which we arrived at "evil one."  

"Ponērou" occurs as it does in Matt 5:37 only six times in the entire gospel.  One of those instances, in Matt 6:13, applies to the segment of the Lord's Prayer which reads "...but deliver us from evil."  "Ponērou" is translated simply as "evil" about as often as it is translated as "the evil one" in these six instances.

The New American Bible notates Matthew 5:37's use of "ponērou" as meaning "the devil."  This is the most common understanding of the verse.  As we've discussed before, the idea of a "devil" is one that didn't exist with the most ancient Jews.  You cannot find a reference to "the devil" or "Satan" anywhere in the foundational writings of Moses.  The idea of a "devil" didn't enter the Jewish worldview until much later, when the Jews had been exposed to dualistic religious systems like Zoroastrianism.  By the time of Jesus, some Jews did believe in some form of "devil," but the concept of a fallen angel named "Satan" who occupied a fiery underworld and coaxed all humans to him through sin didn't evolve fully until after Jesus' death.  Thus, even if Jesus did say "the evil one" in his Teaching About Oaths, it is impossible to know exactly what he meant by the term, and it is certain that he didn't mean "the devil" in the way modern "Christians" understand "the devil."

To be clear and redundant: there is no good evidence that Jesus believed in the fallen-angel, anti-God of a devil that today's "Christians" believe in.  In interpreting today's reading, it behooves us to concede that the devil is only vaguely illuminated in the gospel, and, more often than not, seems to be a literary personification of evil itself.  Ultimately, the "evil one" has no bearing on the moral prescription of Jesus Christ to his followers.  Whether Jesus meant, in Matt 5:37, that oaths are "evil" or that oaths are "from the evil one," his expectation of his followers is the same: do not take oaths.  This will hold true throughout the gospel; devil or no devil, Christ's moral prescription remains the same. 

Over the coming years, I hope you will not tire of me explaining that the devil that modern American "Christians" believe in didn't exist in the gospel.  It is a point we will revisit over and over again.

Hair Dying in Ancient Times

Before we wrap up today's study, I'd like to point out, as many have before me, that Jesus may have been technically mistaken in his words in Matthew 5:36.  Whereas Jesus seems to indicate a person's innate inability to alter his or her hair color, it is in fact true that ancient peoples living centuries before Jesus were able to change their hair color via several different methods.

Both the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Greeks were known to darken light or graying hair by various means.  From an article by Deven Hopp, writing for the online beauty publication "Byrdie:"
Given how accomplished the Egyptians were as a civilization, it shouldn’t really surprise us that they, too, dabbled in hair dye. They would use henna to camouflage gray hair (yes, the preoccupation with grays dates way back).

Years later, the Greeks and Romans used plant extracts to color their strands. They also created a permanent black hair dye. However, when they discovered it was too toxic to use, they switched to a formula made with leeches that had been fermented in a lead vessel for two months. It took a few hundred years to expand the color choices beyond black.
Leeches and lead?  Forgive me for letting my cultural relativism slide in saying "gross!"

We know of the ancient Romans dying their hair from many sources, including the poet Ovid.  In fact, Ovid leaves us an entire poem about hair dying gone awry.  The fourteenth entry of the first book of his timeless "Amores" has him consoling a love interest who has become nearly bald by dying her hair too frequently.  The poem was first published in 16 BC, and is quite hilarious. It reads roughly as follows:
I always used to say; "Do leave off doctoring your hair." And now you have no hair left, that you can be dyeing. But, if you had let it alone, what was more plenteous than it? It used to reach down your sides, so far as ever they extend. And besides: Was it not so fine, that you were afraid to dress it; just like the veils which the swarthy Seres use? Or like the thread which the spider draws out with her slender legs, when she fastens her light work beneath the neglected beam? And yet its colour was not black, nor yet was it golden, but though it was neither, it was a mixture of them both. A colour, such as the tall cedar has in the moist valleys of craggy Ida, when its bark is stript off. 
Besides, it was quite tractable, and falling into a thousand ringlets; and it was the cause of no trouble to you. Neither the bodkin, nor the tooth of the comb ever tore it; your tire woman always had a whole skin. Many a time was it dressed before my eyes; and yet, never did the bodkin seized make wounds in her arms. Many a time too, in the morning, her locks not yet arranged, was she lying on the purple couch, with her face half upturned. Then even, unadorned, was she beauteous; as when the Thracian Bacchanal, in her weariness, throws herself carelessly upon the green grass. Still, fine as it was, and just like down, what evils, alas! did her tortured hair endure! How patiently did it submit itself to the iron and the fire; that the curls might become crisp with their twisting circlets. "'Tis a shame," I used to cry, "'tis a shame, to be burning that hair; naturally it is becoming; do, cruel one, be merciful to your own head. Away with all violence from it; it is not hair that deserves to be scorched; the very locks instruct the bodkins when applied." 
Those beauteous locks are gone; which Apollo might have longed for, and which Bacchus might have wished to be on his own head. With them I might compare those, which naked Dione is painted as once having held up with her dripping hand. Why are you complaining that hair so badly treated is gone? Why, silly girl, do you lay down the mirror with disconsolate hand? You are not seen to advantage by yourself with eyes accustomed to your former self. For you to please, you ought to be forgetful of your former self. 
No enchanted herbs of a rival have done you this injury; no treacherous hag has been washing you with Itæmonian water. The effects, too, of no disease have injured you; (far away be all bad omens;) nor has an envious tongue thinned your abundant locks;'twas your own self who gave the prepared poison to your head. Now Germany will be sending for you her captured locks; by the favour of a conquered race you will be adorned. Ah! how many a time will you have to blush, as any one admires your hair; and then you will say, "Now I am receiving praise for a bought commodity! In place of myself, he is now bepraising some Sygambrian girl unknown to me; still, I remember the time when that glory was my own." 
Wretch that I am! with difficulty does she restrain her tears; and she covers her face with her hand, having her delicate cheeks suffused with blushes. She is venturing to look at her former locks, placed in her bosom; a treasure, alas! not fitted for that spot.
Calm your feelings with your features; the loss may still be repaired. Before long, you will become beauteous with your natural hair.

Ovid's bald lover, as we're told, will now have to wear the hair of some German girl, in the form of a wig.  If people compliment her hair, she will be tortured by the fact that they are complimenting the hair of a foreigner, and not her natural locks.  Again, I find the whole poem quite entertaining.

As for the ancient Palestinian context, we know that even the ancient Jews had the capacity and desire to dye their hair.  Our old friend Josephus tells us, in his "Antiquities of the Jews," that Herod used to dye his hair.  From Book 16, Chapter 8:
... Herod despaired to live much longer; (...) in order to cover his great age, he colored his hair black, and tried to conceal what would reveal how old he was....
It would appear that Herod, who lived at the same time as Christ, and in the same region, colored his hair for the same reason people color their hair today.  The vanity of it all!

So it was possible to change one's hair color in Jesus' time.  Perhaps, circumstantially, Jesus didn't know that coloring hair was something people could do.  Or perhaps he meant, in Matt 5:36, that one cannot change their natural hair color.  Either way, I found it interesting to note the potential incongruence of this verse with historical reality. 


Here are your takeaways for Matt 5:36 and 5:37:

1) Jesus considered all of creation to be the domain of God.  Even the top of your head.

2) Jesus thought that the honesty of his followers should speak for itself.  He told his followers not to swear oaths of any kind ever.

3) The use of the word "ponērou" in the gospel is not always translated as "the evil one," and thus cannot always mean "the devil."

4) Don't mess with your beautiful hair too much or you will go bald, says ancient Roman poet Ovid.

Next time, we'll begin dissecting what is perhaps my favorite of Jesus' teachings, Jesus' "Teaching About Retaliation."  Until then, thank you for reading, and please share this writing.

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Saturday, November 2, 2019

On Matthew 5:33 through 5:35

Hello all, and welcome back to The Moral Vision of Jesus Christ, what will be the longest and most detailed gospel study ever written by any man.  If this is your first time here, and you want to start way back at the beginning of all of this, you can follow this link.  Going back to the beginning is recommended for all newcomers.

Recall that last week we studied Jesus' "Teaching About Divorce," and then analyzed some statistics to come to the conclusion that American Christians don't pay much mind to Jesus' Teaching About Divorce, just like they don't pay much mind to almost any of what he says in the Sermon on the Mount.  

Today, we'll read and interpret the first three-fifths of Jesus' "Teaching About Oaths" and study some of the ancient Greek words that constituted the verses at hand. We will also look at ancient Jewish traditions about oaths for context, and then consider the Christianity or anti-Christianity of some of the commonly known and taken oaths in the modern United States.

There's a lot here, so we'll get started post haste.  Happy reading.

Matthew 5:33 through 5:35
33 “Again you have heard that it was said to your ancestors, ‘Do not take a false oath, but make good to the Lord all that you vow.’  
34 But I say to you, do not swear at all; not by heaven, for it is God’s throne;  
35 nor by the earth, for it is his footstool; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King.

By now, you're certainly seeing the pattern without me having to point it out; much of the Sermon on the Mount is an augmentation or replacement of the old Law of Moses.  We know for sure by now that Jesus did, in fact, intend to change and abrogate the old law.  The old law simply wasn't good enough, in the eyes of Joshua*.  Over and over he says "we've been living by such-and-such a law, but say that such-and-such a law doesn't go far enough.  say that God demands more from us."  He is laying the foundation of a new law.

In the verses at hand, Joshua follows the pattern we've been looking at for weeks on end now.  Today, "such-and-such a law" is Moses' law about oaths.  Moses' law about oaths, which we will look at in detail shortly, said, basically, "if you make an oath, you are required to keep it."  In today's gospel verses, Jesus says, basically, "I know that Moses said you could make oaths, but I say that making an oath is a blasphemy.  Moses was wrong again."

Like the vast majority of the data in the Sermon on the Mount, this requires very little interpretation.  Jesus says what he means, and means what he says.  That said, let's look at some Greek.

Some Greek

Let's start with the word "ancestors."  In the oldest available manuscripts, the word we have here in Koine Greek is "archaios."  "Archaios" is an adjective meaning "ancient" or "pertaining to the beginning."  In the manuscripts, this word is pluralized and made into a noun, giving us "ancients," which is easily enough, albeit perhaps not precisely, translated into "ancestors."

The next phrasing of interest is "do not take a false oath," which we get from the Greek "ouk epiorkeó."  "Ouk" means, roughly, "do not," and "epiorkeó" means "to commit perjury," "to make false pledges," or "to take false oaths."  This phrasing only occurs once in the entire New Testament.

We get the word "vow" at the end of verse 33 from the Greek "horkos," which can only be alternatively translated as "oath" or "swearing."

The phrasing "do not swear at all" comes from the Greek "mé omnuó holós," where "mé" means "non," "omnuó" means "to swear," and "holós" means "wholly," "completely," "generally," or "all together."  All three of these words are extremely ancient, and can be traced back to the Proto-Indo-European language.  All three have cognates in Sanskrit.

The word we translate to "heaven" here is "ouranos," one we've discussed before.  This is what we learned about it previously:
To the Greeks, "ouranos" meant "the vaulted sky," "the home of the gods above the vaulted sky," "the universe in general," or anything shaped like the sky, i.e. a vaulted ceiling or a tent. This is a Greek term that originated to describe a Greek universe, in which many pagan Gods existed. Due to ambiguities within the multiplicity of first-century Jewish belief systems, it is difficult to say exactly what Jesus means here by the term "ouranos."
And that will suffice again.

"God's" in verse 34 comes from the Greek "theos," a word from the Proto-Hellenic language.  Proto-Hellenic is understood to have been a dialect of the Proto-Indo-European language.  Proto-Hellenic is the precursor to Mycenaean Greek, the oldest form of the Greek language.  All that is to say that this word is also very old.  The word "theos" meant, to the Proto-Greeks who invented it, "a god," "a deity," or "a ruler."  It should go without saying that this word was not originated to denote a singular God in a one-Godded universe, but rather any one of a pantheon of gods.  "Zeus" is a cognate of this word.

We could proceed with more translation, but everything else here is fairly straightforward.  To be clear, the modern dictionary definition of "oath" is "a solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one's future action or behavior."  By that understanding, Jesus seems to be telling his followers "don't make grandiose promises about your future behavior - especially not promises that have to be backed up with the name of God."

One more thing I'd like to point out for certain before we move on from the linguistics is that Jesus is not talking about "swearing" in the modern sense of "using coarse or foul language."  In these verses, his use of "swear" is explicitly in reference to swearing an oath.  Jesus never, in any of the gospels, prohibited the use of a laundry list of "cuss" words.

Moving on...

Jewish Traditions Regarding Oaths

Ancient Jewish tradition held that Moses taught the following in regard to oaths, from the Book of Numbers, chapter 30:
3 When a man makes a vow to the LORD or binds himself under oath to a pledge, he shall not violate his word, but must fulfill exactly the promise he has uttered. 
4 “When a woman makes a vow to the LORD, or binds herself to a pledge, while still in her father’s house in her youth, 
5 and her father learns of her vow or the pledge to which she bound herself and says nothing to her about it, then any vow or any pledge to which she bound herself remains valid. 
6 But if on the day he learns of it her father opposes her, then any vow or any pledge to which she bound herself becomes invalid; and the LORD will release her from it, since her father opposed her.
In summation, Moses says that God said that men who make oaths are absolutely obligated to carry out whatever they've promised by invoking the name of God.  Women are obligated in a similar manner, unless they are still unmarried.  An unmarried woman among the ancient Jews could not make an oath without her father essentially co-signing the oath.  This is similar to modern American law in that a minor, male or female, is not allowed to enter into a contract without the consent of their legal guardian.

In the Old Testament, the Jewish ancients can be seen taking dozens and dozens of oaths about all manner of things.  There are oaths to withhold women from certain groups of people in order to end certain bloodlines.  There are oaths to not eat until certain vengeances are carried out.  There are oaths of truce between heads of warring States.  There are false oaths and good oaths and bad oaths and oaths of every kind.  The Old Testament occasionally advises people against oath-taking, while other portions, as seen above, contradict those parts and speak to the solemnity and importance of oaths.

One of the more interesting things we can learn about oaths in the Old Testament is that God himself makes oaths.  To the astute reader, an oath spoken by God himself begs the question: by whom is God's oath sworn?  Does God swear by himself?

God swears a number of oaths in the Old Testament.  As an example, take the following from Deuteronomy, chapter 1:
34 When the LORD heard your words, he was angry, and took an oath: 
35 Not a single one of this evil generation shall look upon the good land I swore to give to your ancestors, 
36 except Caleb, son of Jephunneh. He shall see it, for to him and to his descendants I will give the land he trod upon, because he has fully followed the LORD.
Here, God is swearing that all the complainers who have been doubtful and angry during the 40 years in the Sinai wilderness will not get to see the promised land of Milk and Honey, because they've been doubtful, angry complainers.  Again, the question is begged: who is God swearing by here?

We're getting drawn somewhat off-course, but I'd like to postulate an answer to the question.  The answer comes from later in Deuteronomy, from a couple of verses that I think many might find rather controversial.  The following comes from Deuteronomy, chapter 32:
8 When the Most High allotted each nation its heritage,
when he separated out human beings,
He set up the boundaries of the peoples
after the number of the divine beings; 
9 But the LORD’s portion was his people;
his allotted share was Jacob.
Slam the brakes. Scrreeeeeech.

Put some water in your mouth and read it again so you can do a proper spit-take.

These verses indicate the existence of not a singular God, but of a pantheon of gods.  Specifically, it indicates the existence of a "Most High" God - an uber-God, if you will - who apportioned out the human beings of creation to a number of lesser "divine beings," of which Yahweh was apparently one.

So, maybe, as some scholars have postulated, the most ancient Jewish tradition was more henotheistic** than monotheistic.  Perhaps this is how God can be seen offering oaths throughout the Old Testament.  In a henotheistic Old Testament, a human being could take an oath by swearing by the name of God, and God could take an oath by swearing by the name of the "Most High," or "uber-God."  Maybe.

Mind. Blown.

Oaths and Pledges in America

Regardless of what the ancients were saying and doing regarding oath-taking, Jesus came and abrogated it totally by saying "do not swear at all."  As we said above, Jesus doesn't seem to want his followers making big promises about their future behavior, especially if those promises have to be supported by invoking something sacred or truly valuable, like the name of God.

Smash-cut to millions of little kindergartners being forced to learn and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all," they're forced to swear.  I would say that this solemn promise of allegiance to a flag and to a State is exactly the kind of oath Jesus was talking about in today's verses.  I believe that, by a strict reading of the gospel, a Christian is not permitted to pledge one's allegiance to a flag or to a State in such a solemn way.  I believe that, for a Christian, to pledge allegiance to a State in such a way is to negate one's allegiance to God.

Many American Christians would say that Jesus intended for them to make this pledge of allegiance.  To say that Jesus intended his followers to pledge allegiance to the United States of America is to say that Jesus has uniquely set aside the United States of America as special and blessed - a new Israel.  This concept is absolutely preposterous, especially in light of all of the anti-Christian values the US has always promoted: war, mass-incarceration, capital punishment, and the worship of money, to name a few.

Let's look at another well known oath Americans sometimes take, from Article II of the Constitution:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Interesting.  Solemnly swear, does he?  Oath of office, will he?

Jesus says "no!"

And let's look at one more.  The following text is from Title 10 of the United States Code.
"I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
This is known as the "United States Armed Forces Oath of Enlistment," and is taken by every young man or woman entering any of the many United States military branches.  I ask you: how can a young Christian man or woman take this oath, when Jesus has explicitly forbidden the taking of oaths in the midst of his most significant and focused extant moral teaching?  I ask you: how can a young Christian man or woman take this oath when the oath states explicitly that the enlistee will obey whatever orders given to him, regardless of their moral quality or agreement with the teaching of Christ?

The Uniform Code of Military Justice gives no credence to the Sermon on the Mount, I assure you.

The Marine Corps has no concern for Jesus' command that his followers "love their enemy" and "resist not one who is evil."  The Marine Corps teaches its enlistees to "crush the skulls" of their enemy.

These oaths are anti-Christian.  They cannot be taken by a Christian in good conscience.  Jesus was explicit about these things.

Next time, we'll talk a little more about oaths and promises as we finish up Joshua's Teaching About Oaths.  Until then, join me in reflecting on the oaths we may or may not take on a daily basis.  I will spend the interim thinking about what I swear, to whom I swear it, and by what, with a mind to try to eliminate oath-taking in my life.

Thank you for reading.  Please share this writing.

* Recall that Jesus' name, translated to English, would be "Joshua."  Recall also that the name "Jesus" would have sounded foreign to Jesus, who probably pronounced his name either "Yehoshua" or "Yeshua."
** Henotheism is the exclusive worship of one god that is acknowledged to exist within a pantheon of multiple gods.  It is different than paganism in that pagans ostensibly worshipped all the gods within their respective pantheon.
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For the index of Christ's words, click here.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

On Matthew 5:31 through 5:32

Hello, all.

I'm very sorry for my relatively extended absence.  There's been some illness in the family.  My father has fallen sick again, and has been in the hospital for a couple of weeks.  It has been touch-and-go at times.  Your thoughts and prayers would be appreciated.  

Anecdotally, I want to tell you that I don't know how I would have personally made it through the last month without a mantric, near constant recitation of either the Lord's Prayer or the Jesus Prayer.  I don't understand the precise nature of prayer, and I suspect that it may ultimately be so many words against the wind, but it sure helps to ease my spinning mind.

Also anecdotally, I have noticed one thing in the interim since I last wrote about the gospel a few weeks ago: I do not feel as good about life when I don't have my head in the New American Bible on Saturday or Sunday morning.  Differing kinds of negativity, malaise, and apathy sneak in much easier on those days when my mind drifts from the words of Christ.  So, for whatever it's worth, understand that I write all of this not only for the grandiose benefit of the whole of humanity, but also for my own sake.

This is therapy, for me.  This is medicine.

Today we arrive at Jesus' "Teaching About Divorce."  Please note that the teaching we have before us today is multiply attested, so it is more likely to have actually been spoken by the historical Jesus than some of his other phrasings.

Without further ado, let's set it off.

(Actually, sorry, here's a little more ado: if this is your first time here, you can follow this link to the beginning of all of this.  Reading this from the beginning will help you understand what this study is really about, and give you a lot of the context you'll need for the proceeding years of study on which we now embark.)

Matthew 5:31 through 5:32

31 “It was also said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife must give her a bill of divorce.’

32 But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful) causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.


These verses require little interpretation.  Once again, Jesus is altering the Law of Moses because he sees it as inadequate or obsolete.  He tells his followers (again) that Moses' law was not strict enough.  Whereas Moses allowed divorce for a myriad of reasons, or perhaps no reason at all, Jesus says that divorce is almost never moral, and, as we will learn, can only be performed under the extreme circumstance of infidelity.

As per usual, we're going to get into some of the ancient Greek here first.  As you've seen occasionally, knowing the ancient Greek phrases from which the gospel is derived lends a powerful new dimensionality to our reading here in modern times.  On the occasions that the ancient Greek doesn't inform some altered interpretation, it still behooves us to learn some of the Greek as a matter of academic exercise.  In my humble opinion, a true gospel scholar can only describe herself or himself as such if they have developed at least a tertiary familiarity with Koine Greek.

After we learn some Greek, we're going to familiarize ourselves with the ancient Jewish divorce custom by checking out Moses' teaching on divorce as it appears in the Old Testament.

Finally, we'll look at divorce statistics in the modern United States of America, the most populous and powerful self-proclaimed "Christian" nation the world has ever seen.  This will give us reason to conclude by riffing on modern Christian hypocrisy, which is, after all, the focus of this entire study.

Here are your Greek words.

In Greek

The first word we'll look at today is "divorce."  Our modern Bibles come to this word "divorce" by way of the ancient Greek "apoluó" which could mean many different things.  Potential alternative translations for this word include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Dismiss (as a teacher might dismiss a class at the end of the day.) 
- Fire (as a totally incompetent executive might fire a highly competent Chief of Staff.)
- Unloose (as one might unloose a horse tied to a hitching post.) 
- Uncage (as one might uncage an innocent child held captive by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.)
- Unhand (as one might unhand a person they had wrongly restrained.)
- Unbind (as one might unbind a person tied up in restraints.)
- Release (as one might be released from their wrongful imprisonment at the hands of the American prison-industrial-complex.) 
 - Send away (as the average American "Christian" might try to send me away if they heard me utter the truth about Jesus Christ.)
This terminology is a perfect example of why we like to look at the Greek.  Just look how much more is packed into this one Greek word than we could ever extrapolate from its English counterpart as it appears in our gospel today.  Many of these alternative translations would seem to indicate that a wife was, in ancient times, little more than a captive or a slave.  This fact would not be obvious to one who merely read this passage in English.

The second word we'll check out today is one we've already studied just a few weeks ago.  The word "wife," as it appears here, comes from the Greek "guné."  To review, this is what we discovered about this word before, when it was coincidentally also our "second word of interest": 
"The second word of interest today is "guné" which means "woman." This word is indeed very old, predating ancient Greek significantly, coming from a Proto-Indo-European word with a similar sound. This word relates to the English prefix "gyne" as in "gynecologist." This word is also directly related to the English word "queen." Another cognate of this word is the Sanskrit "jani."
Please note that "guné" appears in the gospels many many times, slightly more often denoting a "woman" or "women" in general than a "wife" specifically.

What can one ascertain about Greek and Jewish culture by the fact that a "wife" would have been referred to by the same noun as any generic "woman?"  To me, it speaks to the chattel-like condition of women generally in ancient times.  Greek women were particularly repressed, although the lot of an ancient Palestinian woman would not, by any means, be enviable by modern standards either.

My fiancée certainly would not prefer that I call her my "woman," and I could anticipate severe repercussions if I did.

The next phrasing we want to look at is "unless the marriage is unlawful."  This appears to be one of the only spots I've encountered so far where the New American Bible has strayed away from the original Greek by a considerable margin.  Other Bible translations are closer to the mark when they translate this clause as "except for sexual immorality."*

The phrase "sexual immorality" here comes from the Greek "porneia."  "Porneia" can mean several different things, including "whoring," "whoredom," "fornication," "prostitution," or "harlotry."  The word "pornography" shares a common root with this word.  Here, then, Jesus appears to make an exception to his strict rule on divorce: you may still get a divorce if your wife has been unfaithful in a sexual manner.  

It is difficult to say for certain at this point whether or not Jesus felt that this was a two-way street - whether or not a woman could ask for divorce in the case of her husband sleeping with another woman.  Since Jesus was a first-century Hellenized Palestinian Jew, we have to assume the worst here, but we can hope that he meant this rule as a two-way rule.

And that's enough Greek for today.  Let's move on.

Old Testament Teaching on Divorce

The primary teaching of Moses on divorce is found in Deuteronomy.  In Deuteronomy Chapter 24, we read the following:
1 When a man, after marrying a woman, is later displeased with her because he finds in her something indecent, and he writes out a bill of divorce and hands it to her, thus dismissing her from his house, 
2 if on leaving his house she goes and becomes the wife of another man, 
3 and the second husband, too, comes to dislike her and he writes out a bill of divorce and hands it to her, thus dismissing her from his house, or if this second man who has married her dies, 
4 then her former husband, who dismissed her, may not again take her as his wife after she has become defiled. That would be an abomination before the LORD, and you shall not bring such guilt upon the land the LORD, your God, is giving you as a heritage.
As you can see here, the ancient Jewish man may divorce his wife simply because he is "displeased" with her.  Divorce among the ancient Jews was not considered reprehensible.  This stands in stark contrast with Jesus' teaching, as we've just seen.

It is interesting to note that the common term in both ancient and modern Judaism for a "bill of divorce" is "get."**  If a man wants a divorce from his wife, he must give her a "get," which may say little more than something like "you are hereby permitted to all men."  The origin of the term "get" is not known for certain, but it is postulated that it comes from the ancient Sumerian word for "document."

In order for the divorce process to be complete, according to Jewish tradition, the get must be delivered to the wife, and she must physically accept it.  The get must be hand-written, and must be written in a way that the text cannot be cleanly erased.  A get may not be predated.

As we've discussed before, Jewish tradition says that only a man may initiate a divorce.  A woman cannot offer her husband a get.  An aggrieved Jewish wife living after the time of the Second Temple, however, can appeal to a Rabbinical Court, which has jurisdiction over marriages.  The Rabbinical Court has the power to force a husband to offer his wife a get.  If the husband refuses, the court may use monetary or corporal coercion of various kinds to convince the man to offer the get.  In this way, women are allowed to initiate divorce proceedings as well, although it is much more difficult for her than it would be for a man.

To Jesus, the concept of divorcing your wife simply because she was "displeasing" in some way was immoral.  Jesus expected that, if his followers married one another, they would stay the course of life together, through thick and through thin.  This is perhaps one of his more significant departures from Jewish tradition.

Divorce Traditions of Modern American "Christians"

In 2014, the Pew Research Center conducted their second "U.S. Religious Landscape Study."  This study was constituted by data gleaned from telephone interviews with 35,000 Americans from all 50 states.  In the 2014 study, it was found that 74% of divorced Americans considered themselves to be "Christian."  In that same study, it was found that 70.6% of Americans considered themselves "Christian."  The significant fact for us here is that the concentration of "Christians" is greater in the pool of "divorced Americans" than it is in the pool of "any Americans."  

Even when we consider Jesus' exception to the "no divorce" rule, American divorce statistics point to religious laxity or ignorance on the part of American "Christians."  In an article published in 2013 by Shelby B. Scott of the University of Denver Department of Psychology, regarding a study of divorced Americans, we read the following:
Overall, the results indicate that the most often cited reasons for divorce at the individual level were lack of commitment (75.0%), infidelity (59.6%), and too much conflict and arguing (57.7%), followed by marrying too young (45.1%), financial problems (36.7%), substance abuse (34.6%), and domestic violence (23.5%).
These percentages roughly match other American "reason for divorce" statistics widely available today.  So, if 74% of divorced Americans are Christians, and roughly 41% of divorced Americans divorced for some reason other than infidelity, than that means there are a whole lot of "Christian" Americans out there divorcing against the rules prescribed by their supposed Lord and Savior.

All of this speaks, I think, to the general laxity of American "Christianity."  It further informs my opinion that the word "Christian" is, more often than not, a fashionable emblem for the American to wear, rather than an actual belief system, morality structure, or mode of living.  It further informs my opinion that American "Christians" are, more often than not, total hypocrites.***

I'll leave you with a related quote from my second favorite text of all time (after the Synoptic Gospels, of course.)  Here's Leo:
"We talk of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees.  But the hypocrisy of our society far surpasses the comparatively innocent hypocrisy of the Pharisees.  They had at least an external religious law, the fulfillment of which hindered them from seeing their obligations to their neighbors.  Moreover, these obligations were not nearly so clearly defined in their day.  Nowadays we have no such religious law to exonerate us from our duties..." - From Tolstoy's "The Kingdom of God is Within You."
The hypocrisy of our society far surpasses that of the Pharisees.  Join me next time.  Please share this writing.

* The New American Bible is, despite its relative fidelity to ancient manuscripts, a Catholic text.  The fact that the Catholic Church has particular and unique rules and regulations concerning marriage probably informs why this phrasing is slightly off here.

** I first became familiar with the term "get" from the outstanding HBO series "Curb Your Enthusiasm."  Curb Your Enthusiasm is a great way to learn about some aspects of modern Jewish culture.  And it is hilarious.

*** A hypocrite is one who claims to adhere to certain moral precepts, or preaches certain moral precepts, but in reality does not himself live by said moral precepts.
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To read what came prior to this, click here.
For the index of Christ's words, click here.